Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Simply Made ~ Repurposing an Old Calendar

If you still have your old 2009 calendars, do not toss them! Or if you want to purchase old 2009 calendars, now is a great time to get them really cheap! Why? There are tons of uses for calendars when it comes to simply made tools for your little one!

I made a matching activity for my tots using the miniature photos on the back of the calendar.
All I used was an old calendar and some adhesive velcro. I had been saving the 2008 calendar because I loved the beautiful landscapes on it and now I have been able to put it to good use!

I kept the calendar intact (easier for storage that way) and cut off the back page with all of the miniature photos of the landscapes. I cut out all twelve of the miniature landscapes so that they could be matched with the twelve larger landscapes in the calendar. I attached velcro to the back of each mini photo and to each of larger calendar pages and that was it!

The kids love their new matching activity and I was able to re-purpose an old calendar that was packed away, collecting dust in a drawer!

Be sure to check out Inspiration Surrounds...Creativity Abounds for Elise's awesome post, 10 Ways To Use Calendars With Young Children. It is filled with more great ideas for re-purposing a calendar into learning tools for your tots!

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