Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Play with Me ~ Automoblox


Automoblox are not just cars, they are so much more. I stumbled upon this awesome open-ended toy while shopping the clearance section at Target years ago. I snatched up 4 cars for under $3 each, with NO clue how amazing they were! In hindsight I sure wish I had bought more! You can get a 3 pack of the minis like we have, here on Amazon. They also sell other versions, which you can see here-but we don’t personally own any of those.

Here’s some ideas for playing with Automoblox

The obvious way to play is to simply let your tot explore the cars. They provide hours and hours of open ended play. I can’t possibly tell you how much these toys are played with at our house. They are for sure a favorite with both boys and have truly stood the test of time!IMG_2125 copy

Build the cars fully by their color and lay out some construction paper to match…IMG_9109

Find other objects that are the same color to collect together…IMG_9115

Have the cars carry around different letters, numbers, or other objects… IMG_9106

Have your tot try to race the cars to a specific target…IMG_9111

Sort the wheels by color


Make the longest car you possibly can by connecting all of your cars together…5a

Make a short car… {my oldest “invented” this and calls it the SpyBot}.1a

Stack the individual wheels, see how high you can get…practice counting as you go!


Use the tops to look through and talk about the difference in how things look through the color.

Make patterns with the wheels.

String the wheels onto a pipe cleaner…


Make letters with the wheels {or shapes, numbers, etc.}…


There are so many more ways, these are just a few to get you thinking outside the box! If you don’t own Automoblox and need a unique gift for your children, I highly recommend them!

One final word of caution, be careful with the colored part of the wheels, two of ours tore after many months of use, from the boys switching the rims out. I glue-gunned them back on and all is well!

Happy Playing!

Signature button Carisa

You can see this and other toys we feature here on our website all on one page. We will add all of the toys we feature with links back to the blog posts!


  1. These look like a lot of fun! I love your blog and am passing on a SunShine Award to you! You can claim it over on my site! http://cakeblast.com/awards/the-sunshine-award/

  2. I saw these on your other blog and bought them for our sons for Christmas. They are awesome and we ALL enjoy playing with them!!

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  3. On your recommendation we bought two of these for my youngest at Christmas, only we bought the bigger ones. The bigger ones have varying numbers of little people figures that sit inside (at least four) who each have a different shape base (star, circle, triangle, square). The connectors that go between the pieces of each car also have shape & colour matching qualities. I am extremely glad I bought these and that I got the bigger ones too ~ we will be adding to our collection for sure :D

  4. Carisa-
    thank you for such imaginative play ideas... I bought the 3-minis from Amazon at Christmas. My son just turned 3 and is not really interrested in them yet, but when he is I really appreciate the ideas as unfortunately my mind is not as educationally creative as yours!! But I'm getting there with a little (ok, a LOT!) of help from your blog and others. :D


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