Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cute Tots

Tots sure are cute, aren't they? Be sure to click on the photos to visit the mom bloggers of these cute tots!   





Is one of these tots your tot (or has your tot been featured as a Cute Tot in the past)? Grab this button for your blog to share with your readers...

Cute Tot

Want to send in a photo of your Cute Tot? Click Here!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Book Basket ~ September/October

At the end of each month we want to give you a 'heads up' of the books that will be used in the two upcoming months for several of our features: Little Books for Little Cooks, Now I Know My ABC's, and Once Upon a Book. These lists are to help you out so you can be looking for the books at your library, digging through your stacks in search of them, or order those 'must haves'!

Here are the books that we are planning to use during the months of September and October.

Little Books for Little Cooks

Now I Know My ABC's

Once Upon a Book 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

From Tots to Teens ~ Anyone Else Dealing with...



Parenting 9 children is a blessing, challenging, fun, exciting, never boring and some days down right HARD!

As I have shared with you our family is focusing on LOVE IS AN ACTION WORD!

We are reading and studying the epistles of John over and over again with my husband each night.

I am reading and studying through Romans.

Each morning after breakfast I have begun to do our morning bible study again. It has been way too long since we have done this before our day begins. Yes we sing praise songs daily, learn bible verses together and have nightly bible study under Scott’s teaching…and then God impressed upon my heart to begin our day together in His word.

I didn’t realize how much I needed this time with the children or how much they needed it with me – really HIM! The children are so excited to sit together after breakfast to read the Word together and I wake up excited to do it with them.

They all have their bibles next to them at breakfast ready and waiting for us to begin.

We talked for a while lately about sin knocking at the door of their hearts and minds all day long – that they have a choice – either to be a friend or foe to each other and God.

They must choose to walk with God or alone each day.

They must choose to ask the Holy Spirit to lead their day or allow their desires to rule the day.

During a recent bible study I was reminded that I am laying seeds and watering them daily and that I may not see the fruit or harvest from the kind of training we are doing for years. That does discourage me some days and I must remember they are His first and He is faithful – that everything of Him we pour in will NOT return void!

We have a few children that are seriously CHOOSING to walk in their sins all day long. We have a few children that are whining more than this mommy can stand to listen to. We have a few children that would rather be corrected than obey. We have a few children that can’t help but use their mouths to sin against each other – being bossy, mean, tattle telling and lie.


You see the problem is not whether or not they know the rules or what is right from wrong – they all know our house rules and it hangs in our kitchen!

Family Rules

Again, I explained to them it is a choice whether or not they live by them. They have the power to have victory over sin – the Holy Spirit is in them. They all have the freedom from sin and the bondage to it – Jesus paid the price for their sins!

And so I prayed for God to rule and reign in our hearts and home today. That we as a family will choose to do it God’s way and not our own. It is a daily choice to live out Romans 12:1-2. I pray that I as I seek to do it – our children will in turn follow after me. I pray that they see me do what I say and teach – more and more each day.


Choosing to walk in His ways!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Treats 4 Your Tot


Here are some more cool giveaways for tots/moms of tots, check them out below and let us know if you win something we told you about!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

In My Heart ~ Romans 8:38-39 “Convinced”

Convinced {Romans 8:38-39} is #6 from Seeds of Courage,   image

Full Page Verse Printable…  image

Verse Mini Book {which could also be cut into mini flash cards to have kids put the verse in order}…    image

Copy Work Tracers {print & cursive}  image

Copy Work Sheets…    image

Full Verse Coloring Pages…   image

Seeds Family Worship printables here!

Visit the main Seeds Family Worship Printables page here.

Visit Seeds Family Worship to learn more about their ministry here!

Simple verse cards from Seeds, and also a verse memorization checklist can be found here on their site!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Once Upon a Book ~ Trashy Town

Trashy Town
by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha 

Summary: Follow Mister Gilly, the trashman, as he drives around cleaning up Trashy Town. This is a favorite in our house. We have watched the Trashy Town video so many times that the kids ask me to sing the words in the book rather than read them! In case you have never seen the Trashy Town video, you can see it below. It has a rather catchy beat to it!

Bible Verse

Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. James 1:21


I printed out and colored garbage trucks from the First-School community helpers page. I helped the little boys cut them out and glue them onto construction paper. My other children wanted to participate as well. My daughter even drew Mister Gilly! Another fun idea is to glue “trash” (torn pieces of paper) in the trash truck.


We pretended one of boy’s toy trucks was a garbage truck. The little boys tore and crumpled up pieces of paper (fine motor skills) and we pretended that the paper was trash. We counted the “trash” as we “dumped it in…smashed it down…until our trash truck was full. Of course the boys sang the entire time they drove their truck cleaning up their own little Trashy Town!


We talked about recycling and the little boys practiced sorting various recyclable materials into bins labeled plastic, glass, paper, and aluminum.


We watched the Trashy Town video numerous times and sang the song as well played with our pretend trash trucks.

More Ideas

On trash day, we watched our trash man (who my kids ALWAYS refer to as Mr. Gilly) come by to pick up the trash. We sang as we watched him “dump it in and smash it down!”

Want to see what's coming next (and books we've done in the past)? Click here to see our Once Upon a Book webpage!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Now I Know My ABC’s ~ m is for magnet

It's time for some fun alphabet crafts!! We hope you enjoy these! If you are new, you can visit our ABC webpage to find links to any other letters we have done, letters (with books listed) coming up, as well as all the fun crafty letters we have been working on. Be sure to check it out!


 Magnets: Pulling Together, Pushing Apart by Natalie Rosinsky

Summary: Teach your little one some science basics ~ all about magnets and how they work!

Magnet Craft

What You’ll Need:

  • Gray and red foam sheets
  • Scissors
  • Pencil or pen
  • Glue

How to Make the lowercase “m”

Magnet Craft

  1. Cut lowercase “m” out of gray foam sheet. To make the letters go along with the uppercase letters we’ve done in the past, this letter was cut from a piece of foam that was about 4” x 5”.
  2. Cut tips for your magnet out of 1/2 inch strip of red foam to the width of the bottom of the lower case “m” (as pictured above).
  3. Glue red tips to the bottoms of the m.
  4. Have fun playing with REAL magnets!


Monday, August 23, 2010

Terrific Tot Sites ~ Tot School Highlights

Every Sunday Carisa hosts a feature on her other blog called Tot School. If you are one who doesn't know that, you can go here to read more about it! She has over 60 moms joining up weekly, so there are plenty of wonderful resources and ideas to find.

This week we’re highlighting Annette from The Life of a Pastor’s Wife. She is a mom of two tots ~ Isaac (30 months) and Miriam (13 months). Here are a few of the fun things that she has been doing at home with her tots.

Pipe cleaner and clothespin matching was a big hit. Issac has to match the correct color of pipe cleaner to the clothespin with the same colored paint chip. A great fine motor activity too…


And they double as bracelets…


Stickers are always a hit!


Annette found a great mini ABC foam alphabet at the Dollar Tree and let Issac match up the letters to an alphabet printable Carisa put together.


This penny drop idea came from another Tot School Mom, Nichole, but great ideas need to be shared. Cut a slit in the top of a plastic container and let your little one have fun dropping the coins in from one jar to another.


My favorite idea from her though, is Tot School in a Bag! When Annette knew they would be gone for a few days, she packed a bag full of activities for her kids to keep their routine going {and the kids occupied}.
The Terrific Tot Sites feature is designed to help you find fun and safe websites to visit with your toddler. Some of the sites are educational in nature and some are just plain fun! If this is your first time visiting, be sure to check out some of the toddler websites that we've featured in the past. Hope you enjoy this Terrific Tot Site!
Hope you enjoy this Terrific Tot Site! To see more featured sites, click here!