Saturday, May 7, 2011

Treats 4 Tots


Here are some more cool giveaways for tots/moms of tots, check them out below and let us know if you win something we told you about!!!!

Bolded are items we personally own and love!  If you are hosting a TOT friendly giveaway you are free to leave a link in the comments section!


  1. I have a small giveaway going on -
    - for a felt pattern to make felt play food. It ends May 16th : )

  2. Love this blog and your other ones, too! What a great team! I tweeted about the Top 25 and said that all 25 are really awesome, as you are!

    This Treats for your Tot is a neat post! Following your blog and on Twitter too. Hope that you like my blog and follow on Twitter. Am very new to Twitter and am trying to get a handle on that but fun so far! Enjoy your Mother's Day!


    @F5th on Twitter


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. All comments are moderated and posted ASAP!

God Bless!