The Compassion Bloggers team is in the Philippines right now. I have followed the Compassion bloggers since the 2008 trip to Uganda, and have followed this time too! One blogger I always follow is Shaun Groves-who leads the trips. This year 2 of his posts hit my heart in a deep way…
This post from Kat {Inspired to Action} really hit hard too…
There are obviously MANY others, you can find them all gathered here on the Compassion Bloggers site. I challenge you to take some time to read, if you haven’t already.
You may not know that Totally Tots sponsors the Compassion Child Survival Program in Kenya, you can read more about that here! Compassion is an organization we stand behind 100% and love the work they do in the name of Christ!
Yes! I love Compassion and I've been following the story on a few blogs this year.