Saturday, June 25, 2011

Treats 4 Your Tot


Here are some more cool giveaways for tots/moms of tots, check them out below and let us know if you win something we told you about!!!!

Bolded are items we personally own and love!  If you are hosting a TOT friendly giveaway you are free to leave a link in the comments section!

1 comment:

  1. We just yesterday started a new giveaway and it's all about tots, arts and crafts :) We're giving away set of 10 trace and color thank you cards with some pens. If it goes well, it will be 1st of many craft kits to be given away ;) Here is the link: It's international and it's open til 7/9. 


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. All comments are moderated and posted ASAP!

God Bless!