I am traveling in a van that is full. Full of bikes, bags, food, and six people. I didn't have room to bring toys for a certain precious, {currently sleeping} girl.
The first week of our vacation doesn't necessitate entertainment. That is the beauty of family camp.
However, after the flurry of activity and the galloping of horses we journey into the remote wilderness of Canada.
What will my little girl do without toys?
Montessori activities are easy (and cheap) to create. Because the learning activities focus on isolating specific skills, a muffin tin, a spoon, and dry macaroni noodles can become more engaging than a Leap Frog microphone.
You really don't have to scour the Internet for Montessori activities. With a simple box of various materials you can create countless varied activities by swapping containers, kitchen utensils, and food item.
Suggested items to have on hand for quick and easy Montessori moments are (but not limited to):
Measuring cups
Cookie sheet
Muffin Tim
Paper cups
Eye droppers
Uncooked popcorn
Empty egg cartons
Spice bringer
Soup ladle
The wilderness we are traveling to contains a little rustic red cabin, complete with the kitchen utensils I used as a little girl.
As we play while the boys chase bears, Naomi and I will practice "the three step lesson" to enhance her memory.
By mimicking a very simple technique you can help you child expand her memory and name recognition. You will need three objects for the following activity.
Identify: This is. . . . Initially show each object independently.
Recognize: Show me the . . .At this point you will set out the (3) objects you were working with. Rotate the placement of the object and ask you Tot to point to the object you name. Repeat 3-5 times.
Recall: What is this? Hide the objects and only one out at a time. This time ask your student to name the object.
Keep the time spent doing the three step lesson light and engaging. Do not force your child and rod the moment of enthusiastic learning. Be sure to review past lessons!
I love Montessori moments. Because I know that simple objects can become teaching tools and encourage learning, I don't panic when the car is too full to bring toys.
To review what we have covered so far in our Montessori at Home journey, click here. Would you like some more Montessori at Home ideas? Each month Jodi shares Montessori ideas based on the ebook, Montessori at Home by John Bowman. Find more ideas in the Montessori Minute posts over at 1+1+1=1.
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