Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Meet Sam...


Sam a.k.a. "Punkin" is 30 months old, loves four wheelers, loves lawn mowers, loves tractors, loves guitars, is an older brother to our precious 1 year old. He is mild tempered, is very attached, is shy at first, is nervous at times. He loves Mommy, Daddy, Nanny, Pappy, and Papaw. He loves to hug and kiss, and has the most precious smile. He's full of life, and a true blessing from God. (We tried to get pregnant for a long time and he was an answered prayer, hence his name. . Samuel (1 Samuel 1:27. . .For this child I have prayed. . .) His favorite people are Mommy, Daddy, Nanny, and Pappy.

His (and Mom's) Top Ten Favorite Tot School Tools...

  1. Play Doh
  2. Lacing Toys
  3. Color Match toys (i've made)
  4. Felt Board
  5. paint, dots, markers
  6. Magnetic ABCs
  7. magnadoodle
  8. scholastic color crayon books
  9. various musical instruments
  10. flash cards..........would you believe it? he loves them!

His Favorite Books...

  1. Raindrop, Plop!
  2. ABC book that was mine when I was a child (has guitars in it)
  3. Old MacDonald

His favorite DVDs, TV shows...

  1. Sesame Street
  2. Preschool Prep
  3. Four Wheeler DVD
  4. loves to go on Bear Hunts on YOUTUBE

Sam's Mommy blogs at Jessica Leigh Photography.

Do you want your tot to be featured one week? Go here to read more details!


  1. you know. . .

    that is the absolutely cutest little 2.5 year old i've ever seen! he's just plum adorable!

    he he he!!!

    love your site, carissa!
    have a blessed day!!!!!

  2. He is precious! Very cute!


  3. He is adorable...but, so is his baby brother!!! Nanny loves her boys so very much!!!


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God Bless!