Saturday, February 7, 2009



Boo-Boo wasn’t an accident, but a BIG SURPRISE! He’s 14 months old and a bundle of joy! He’s the youngest of 6, with 3 older brothers and 2 older sisters. Boo-Boo is smart, loving, curious and knows how to boogie! He loves praying with the family and shouts a loud, “AMEN!” at the end of every prayer!

His (and Mom's) Top Ten Favorite Tot School Tools...

  1. Little Leap Pad- BABY Version
  2. Tonka Wheel Pals
  3. Little green scoops that come in the Charlie's Soap bags.
  4. Bubble wrap—to stomp on!
  5. Anything in the recycling bag-egg cartons, bottles, etc.
  6. Puzzles by Small World Toys and Lights, Camera, Action
  7. Plastic Cookie Cutters and an ice cream pail (put them in, take them out, put them in take them out)
  8. Fisher-Price Shape Sorter
  9. Books, Books and more books
  10. Anamalz

His favorite Books...

  1. Touch and Feel by DK
  2. Spot Looks at Colors

His Favorite DVDs, TV shows...

  1. Barney
  2. Signing Time
  3. Wiggles

Boo-Boo's Mommy blogs at Little Farm House

Do you want your tot to be featured one week? Go here to read more details!


  1. Those Anamalz are adorable.

    Nuts. {smiles}

  2. Jolahtne-Arne't they???? We have a bunch of them (got lucky and found them at Target on clearnace a long time ago) and I think I love them more than the boys!!!
    :) Carisa

    oh, Boo-Boo You're even CUTER than the Anamalz you recommeneded!!


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God Bless!