Thursday, February 19, 2009

Simply Made ~ Matching Fun!

In my effort to create something for my son Krash (age 33 mos) to work on his matching skills, I knew I had to think of something that would really draw his interest. He has a short attention span and will often tell me NO, unless *it* draws him in!

He loves to look at photos of family members, friends, and especially himself, so I made him simple matching boards out of photos I had! I chose a theme, like Snow Fun below...Then, I created the board in Microsoft Publisher (you could use any photo program you have though). I printed out 2 copies of the board, both on white card stock. I put one copy into a sheet protector, and cut up the other copy. I put the pieces in an envelope with the name and paper clipped it to the board, I will be storing these in a 3 ring binder for easy access.

The other day I gave him our Snow Fun board for the first time, and he began to tell me NO, until he saw the photos! Then we began talking together and finding the matching photos! It was really fun.I have a few more photo sets ready for him and plan to change them out often to keep him interested, plus these will be neat keepsakes for him eventually in his notebook!

I did make a few general boards, to use within certain themes, here are a few of the ones I have made so far... This set also has a "Babies on the Farm" board (I did not take these photos, I only wish we lived that close to a farm!)...
This is part of my Spring/Easter set, just photos of bugs and flowers I have taken...

If you would like to download copies of these boards, you can find links to them at our Totally Tots download page! If you make your own photo boards and post about them, leave me a link in the comments, I would love to see yours! I also hope to add to the pre-made boards, if I do, you will find those here on my Tot Trays page (you'll have to scroll down until you see the heading: "Matching.")


  1. Great ideas - love this! Our children love to play matching games!

    I'll be in touch later this week Carissa!

    Love and hugs,

  2. This is such a great idea. Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. I love, love, love this idea!! Any chance you could send me the templates, since when I try downloading them from your site, an error occurs? I'm a teacher, too, and if I don't have to reinvent the wheel. . . :*)


  4. I would be happy to send them to you, just email me so I will have yours! Mine is on the right sidebar!
    :) Carisa


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