Friday, March 13, 2009

Bible Bites ~ LOVE

I got an email from a reader today, she included in her email photos of how she used February's LOVE printables and theme in her home. I thought her photos and ideas were SO cute I just had to share!
Here's what she told me: "We use 1 Corinthians 13 as part of the formation for our house rules. The lesson came just when I was debating how to better teach the rules to our children. We hand out a flower when someone acts out in LOVE to encourage good behaviour. "
How cute is that? What a great idea, thanks Erna for sharing it with me and allowing me to share your great idea on the blog!


  1. that is soo cute!!!

  2. Where are these printables? 

  3. you can find them on this page here:

    Sorry that it wasn't linked!! :)


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God Bless!