Wednesday, March 11, 2009



“Spice” is a 33 month old tot that is the exact the description of her name! Sometimes her mother feels like she is raising a teen and not a tot. She is a big sister to her ten month old sister. She loves playing inside and outside. She is a social butterfly and never meets a stranger. Spice loves to be read to and of course loves “reading” to her younger sister. She is full of energy and keeps us laughing with the things she says. Spice is a totally terrific tot!

Her (and Mommy's) Top Ten Tot School

  1. Wooden Blocks
  2. KidKraft Play Kitchen
  3. Memory
  4. Dot Paint
  5. Mary's SoftDough
  6. Crayola Crayons and Markers
  7. Anything Leapfrog
  8. Ring Toss game
  9. Safety scissors
  10. Melissa and Doug Puzzles

Her Favorite DVDs/TV shows

  1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
  2. Wonder Pets

Her Favorite Books

  1. Her Children's Bible
  2. Raindrop, Plop!
  3. Sisters
  4. Dooby Dooby Moo
  5. Eloise Wilkin Stories

Spice's Mommy blogs at...Sugar and Spice Mommy


  1. Spice sure is precious!

    Thanks for sharing her with us!

    Love and blessings,

  2. I might be a little unfair for me to say this, but she sure is cute!! She is so fun and always makes me laugh. Man I love that girl! Thanks Carissa for featuring my baby!:)
    Love, Spice's Mommy


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God Bless!