Wednesday, April 29, 2009



Bear is 20 months old and is presently an only child. She is excited about becoming a big sister in August. Bear is very active. Bear loves to climb, run, swim, paint and read. She has a fantastic sense of humor and loves to find ways to make us laugh. She is most happy when painting and cuddling with Mommy to read, but her favorite time of the day is her nap time when she is given her pacifier.

Top Ten Tot School Tools

  1. Melissa and Doug alphabet puzzle
  2. Wooden animal puzzles
  3. Melissa and Doug beads
  4. Play Doh
  5. Empty jars of different sizes and their lids (she likes to put the lids on the jars)
  6. Pipe cleaners and empty Parmesan container (to practice fine motor skills - she places the pipe cleaners in the holes of the container)
  7. Felt board with felt shapes and felt doll
  8. Playskool Shape Sorter
  9. Shape puzzle
  10. Crayons, paint, stickers, stamps, paper, and safety scissors

Bear's Favorite DVDs, or TV shows

  • We don't have a tv...recently Bear has been watching Jack and the Beanstalk on the bbc website
  • You Tube clips of Signing Time. Her favorite clip is Walking Through the Zoo.

Bear's Current Favorite Books - they change weekly

Bear's Mommy blogs at: The Adventures of Bear

Do you want your tot to be featured one week? Go here to read more details!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful little girl!

    Blessings to her and your family!



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