Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Monkey is 14 months old! Her arrival was quite a journey and not without trials, but we are so glad she is here! After having a 10 yr old and 7 year old, her coming was a huge gift!! She is such a happy girl. She is always smiling! She is an amazing sleeper! (12-13 hours at night!) She always wakes up happy! I am so blessed.

She has learned to scowl which cracks me up. She does it when she is confused, angry, or curious! I can't get enough of her!

I teach her sign language! She is doing great! She signs "more", "eat", "all done", and "bye"!

She got the name Monkey because when she was very little someone told me her hair , which stood straight up all over, made her look like a little baby monkey!! It stuck!!

Her (and Mom's) favorite learning toys...

  1. V-tech telephone
  2. Plastic water bottles-- she loves to watch the water splash inside the bottle
  3. Her big brother and sister! They teach her SO much
  4. The laundry basket-- clothes in, clothes out, clothes in , clothes out!
  5. Fisher Price Peek-a-block INCREDIBLOCK

Her favorite DVD's/ TV shows:

  1. Baby Einstein--all of them
  2. Blue's Clues videos-- the old ones with Steve!
  3. My friends Tigger and Pooh
  4. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Favorite books:

  1. Any touch and feel

Her mama blogs at Our Family Ramblings

Do you want your tot to be featured one week? Go here to read more details!


  1. I just love Monkey! She is precious and every time I visit Kelly's blog her face makes me smile.

  2. What a cutie!

    My Mackenna loves the book series

    That's not my....

    great touch and feel books!


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God Bless!