After reading Scoot! by Cathryn Falwell have fun making and playing turtle games!
Egg Carton Turtles:
- Paper egg carton cups
- Green Paint
- Paintbrushes
- Foam turtles (use this template, I used the smaller turtle)
- Glue
To Make:
- Paint your egg cups green
- Set aside to dry
- Cut out the smallest turtle pattern from the printout
- Glue to the bottom of egg cup
- Now add to your pond with some glue after the shell is dry!
Turtle Turtle
Tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”
Turtle, turtle moves so slow,
Crawling, crawling, watch him go.
At the pond he looks around,
See his head move up and down.
Turtle, turtle wants to swim,
Now he slides and dives right in!
Liz Ryerson
Turtle Path:
- Masking Tape
To Make:
- Make a path on the carpet with masking tape
- Have your LO get on all 4's to crawl like a turtle
Added Bonus:
- Make a Paper Turtle print out pages 3, 4 and/or 5 and let LO color you can cut and glue it where it says and your LO will have a cute paper turtle!
- Another fun activity go to the pet store and look at the frogs and turtles!
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I love this crafts, I have a Super Award for you in my blog :)