Saturday, April 18, 2009

She's Here

My baby girl arrived on Tuesday, April 14th at 2:33 pm! Our little *Ladybug* had a rough start, going straight to the NICU for respiratory distress. She was pretty tubed up for the 1st 24 hours but mended quickly!!! Many prayers were sent up for her and we were blessed with her FULL healing in a very short time! She came home with us yesterday and is doing wonderfully. Thank you to many of you I know were praying for her this week.

The blog has been and is on auto-post for awhile, so I may be delayed at replying to emails, as I spend much of my time doing this....
She is perfect to us and her brothers (Pac Man age 7, and Krash age almost 3) are in LOVE with her!!! We are so blessed and thankful.


  1. I'll say it again...a beautiful blessing named "Ladybug"!

    Glad all is well!

  2. Hooray and congratulations!!! Now let the fun begin!!

  3. Congratulations! She is beautiful!

  4. She is perfect and beautiful!! Congratualtions!!!

  5. She is beautiful! Congratulations!

  6. ok she is just too cute!! i bet you never put her down!! how do you ever stop hugging her!! congrads

  7. Precious! Congratulations on the beautiful bundle of joy!

  8. Congratulations! I wish you great joy and happiness with your new precious little angel.

  9. She's beautiful! Congratulations!

  10. She is gorgeous. Congrats! And I must know --- wherever did you get that ADORABLE outfit? Did someone make it for her?

  11. She's beautiful and perfect - perfectly beautiful! Congratulations!

  12. THANK YOU everyone for your kind words!

    YES, my mom made her that outfit. She did buy a white onesie, but made the pants herself to go with the flower on the shirt (which she also made). The material is the same as what's in her bedroom! There's even a little pocket on the back of the pants too :)


  13. Carisa, congrats. The dynamics of your household is about to change, in a great way. My boys are 7 and 4 and my daughter turned 2 in Jan and she is just something else!! It's amazing how they turn everything upside down, in a good way. She really rounded out our family perfectly!!!!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. All comments are moderated and posted ASAP!

God Bless!