Summary: Shows how different kinds of insects, including moths, an inchworm, a ladybug, and a grasshopper, are able to blend into their surroundings.
Insect Ii's:
Summary: Bear falls asleep under a broken window pane and dreams it is snowing ice cream.
Ice Cream Scoop:
To Play:
More Ii fun:
Insect Ii's:
- Insect stickers
- Construction paper
- Ii template or hand drawn Ii
- print off the Ii or hand draw it
- glue it to the construction paper if you printed it
- have LO place insect stickers all over the construction paper and Ii.
- add hole punches and add to your alphabet book
Summary: Bear falls asleep under a broken window pane and dreams it is snowing ice cream.
Ice Cream Scoop:
- brown construction paper triangle cone glued to the construction paper
- different colored circle scoops
- construction paper
- envelope glued to the back of the ice cream game
To Play:
- Color Scoops: place the scoops out around the cone and ask your LO to add the correct colored scoop to the cone.
- Number Scoops: place the scoops out around the cone and ask your LO to add the correct number of scoops to the cone.
- when not playing keep the scoops in the envelope.
- add hole punches and add to your alphabet book
More Ii fun:
- Make baggie Ice cream
- Make an Ice Cream Sundae
- Go on a Insect hunt
- Play an Instrument with your LO
- Talk about babies are also called Infants
Sorry I'm a bit behind in posting this. I'm super excited that I saw a cool activity on the review post that will go great with my emotions them for the letter I verse: In your ander do not sin. Psalm 4:4. Thanks for the great work ladies, it's helped me put the happiness back into educational journey!!!!