Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tot Food ~ What's on Your Tot's Plate?

The fast lunch at our house... Grab the water bottle out of the fridge, throw some yogurt out of the big tub in a bowl, throw a few blueberries in it, unwrap a cheese stick, throw a few pretzels on a napkin, grab some leftover whole wheat pasta salad out of the fridge, open a banana. Easy, mostly healthy, fast for us.

Please add any tot-food type links. You can share your tot's plates, share a favorite tot recipe, or share your favorite healthy tot snacks. You are welcome to add your "What's on Your Tot's Plate" link anytime between now and Monday. We will put up a new Mr Linky each
Tuesday. Please link directly to your Tot Food post and provide a link back to Totally Tots!
You can right click and copy the graphic at the top of this post if you would like to use it in your post. You certainly don't have to, but are welcome to.


  1. Love it! That is sooo my kind of a treat!

  2. Sounds yummy!

    I posted ours, we made raspberry popsicles today. Nothing fancy, but it was entertaining.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. All comments are moderated and posted ASAP!

God Bless!