Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tot Food ~ What's On Your Tot's Plate?

Here's one of our lunches form last week...Nectarine, frozen corn, whole wheat pasta with butter/garlic/parm, an Arnold Sandwich Thin made into garlic toast (the boys LOVE these), and dip for veggies.

Krash was digging this meal...
I decided to put the veggies out as a whole instead of on their plates just to see what K would do.
He surprised me by trying a cucumber voluntarily for the first time. I think it was because he saw Pac Man eating out of the tray and Pac LOVES veggies so K wanted to follow!!!
Please add any tot-food type links. You can share your tot's plates, share a favorite tot recipe, or share your favorite healthy tot snacks. You are welcome to add your "What's on Your Tot's Plate" link anytime between now and Monday. We will put up a new Mr Linky each Tuesday. Please link directly to your Tot Food post and provide a link back to Totally Tots! You can right click and copy the graphic at the top of this post if you would like to use it in your post. You certainly don't have to, but are welcome to.


  1. Thanks for inspiring me to be a more creative mom!! This is my first try at this.

  2. i'm sure someone else has asked this already, but where do you get those adorable trays for your kids lunches?


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. All comments are moderated and posted ASAP!

God Bless!