Friday, July 3, 2009

Giggle Time ~ please!

My two year old has shown little interest in the potty except for a few unsuccessful attempts however the other day when I was trying to have a conversation with a friend on the phone (what was I thinking !?!), she decided to “dood it by my telf”.

Two minutes into my phone call, I heard her in the bathroom quietly calling "Mommy….Mommy…help please”

I came around the corner and found this…
The best part is that I told her that I’d be right back and I raced off to get the camera- when I returned she happily smiled and said “Cheese” before going back to her pitiful cries for help.

This Giggle Time post was sent in by Catherine! Thanks for giving us a good giggle, your daughter is adorable!!!


  1. That's hilarious, Catherine! :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. Adorable! I'd probably forget about the camera and later regret it.


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