Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Zeke is 3 1/2 year old but thinks he is 10 year old like his big brother. He is a real blessing to our family. He has wisdom and a sense of humor that truly do surpass his years. And it seems that I am calling his daddy daily to say "you'll never guess what Zeke said today". Zeke is our 4th child. He has an older sister (13), two older brothers (10 and 7) and a baby sister (1). After a whole year of failure to thrive and malabsorbtion issues and many many clinic visits Zeke was finally diagnosed with Mastocytosis (too many mast cells, there for too much histamine in his body). He is much healthier now and we are so grateful to be blessed with his chatter and laughter in our daily lives.

His Favorite Tot School Tools...
  1. Fisher Price Little People
  2. Woody-Click people and buildings
  3. Leapfrog Fridge Phonics® Magnetic Set
  4. Leapfrog Fridge Wash & Go™ Magnetic Vehicle Set
  5. Leapfrog Alphabet Pal
  6. Lauri Tall Stacker Pegs Building Set
  7. Lauri's alphabet puzzle
  8. Go Diego Go! 123 Game
  9. Dinasour flash cards
  10. Measuring cups
His Favorite DVDs/TV shows...
  1. BOZ
  2. Signing Time
  3. Cars
  4. And any movie about tractors
His Favorite Books...
  1. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
  2. John Deere books about Jonny Tractor
  3. Our homemade books (we take pictures and put them in a photo album and then print out words to go with each page, we make up our own stories or simply retell the trip or even that the photos were taken at)
Zeke's Mommy blogs at...Growing in Rejoicing

Do you want your tot to be featured one week? Go here to read more details!

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