Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Meet Jordyn...

Jordyn is 15 months old and has two brothers, Nathan (5) and Ben (3). She's cute, spunky and strong-willed. (Her brothers made her that way!) Yet, she is still very sweet and loving. She's girly in that she loves clothes and is very particular about what shoes she wants to wear. In contrast, she loves to play in the mud and ride a miniature 4-wheeler with her brothers.

Her Favorite Toys...
  1. Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Learning Home Playset
  2. Little tikes Pop Tunes Big Rock Keyboard
  3. Radio Flayer Rock 'N Bounce Pony
  4. Radio Flyer Ready-to-Ride Folding Trike
  5. Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Say Please Tea Set
  6. Fisher Price Laugh & Learn - Learning Purse
  7. LeapFrog Fridge Farm Magnetic Animal Set
  8. Together Tunes Soft Musical Cube by Neurosmith
  9. Little Tikes Bath Butterfly Net
  10. Tonka Toughest Mighty Dump Truck
Her Favorite Books...
  1. Five Ugly Monsters - by Tedd Arnold
  2. Snuggle Puppy! - by Sandra Boynton
  3. Baby Einstein Mirror Me! - by Julie Aigner-Clark
  4. Barnyard Dance! - by Sandra Boynton
  5. Good Morning, Good Night! - illustrated by Melanie Mitchell
Her Favorite DVDs/TV Shows...
Jordyn doesn't pay much attention to the T.V. yet. When she does watch something, she watches what her brothers do. (That means shows like Diego, Thomas the Tank Engine, Super Why, and Woody Woodpecker.) She also likes Baby Einstein.

Jordyn's Mommy blogs at:
Happy Chaos
Riley Year in Photos

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  1. How fun is this? Thanks so much for featuring my little gal. Even more, thanks for the great tips and encouragement that you offer on your site!

  2. Aww, Little Jordyn is a sweetie pie and her mom is an excellent photographer! :0)

  3. Jordyn IS beautiful; once you get to know her mom Andrea, you understand why. You couldn't have profiled a nicer family....

  4. Awwww - so sweet to see my niece featured here. What a fun site!

    co-founder of I ♥ Faces

  5. Oh my gosh. I love little Jordyn : ) She is the sweetest thing! What a fun site. I love how colorful it is! Very cool!


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