Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Meet Kara...

Kara is 15 months old and the baby of the family. She has two big sisters, Olivia (11) and Alyssa (4) and one big brother, Aaron (9). She enjoys being the center of attention and won't let you forget it. She is fun, wild, sweet, and fiesty. She can be gentle and hug and kiss you one minute and the next turn her little nose up with a "humpf" and swat her hand. Being the baby of the family has many advantages and she takes full benefit of all of them. Never without a big brother or sister to defend her, she is brave and believes the world is really all about her. Lunchtime is never complete without her favorite lunch buddy, Jackson, our dog. Or maybe it's the other way around as she never fails to share her lunch with him. Life with Kara is fun, exciting, and exhausting. A little tidal wave of joy and attitude hits you with a great big splash and you can't help but love her.

Top Ten Tot School Toys
1. Large Crayola Crayons
2. Play Doh
3. Large foam dice (she actually stole these from her sister and brother)
4. Leapfrog Fridge Phonics Magnet ABC Set
5. Mega Blocks
6. Her big sister's workbooks
7. Brainy Baby Flash Cards
8. Goldfish and little plastic tubs to practice "sorting"
9. Kitchen playsets
10. Water and Sand Table by Step 2

Favorite TV shows/DVDs
1. Wonder Pets
2. Dora the Explorer
3. Baby Eienstien

Favorite Books
1. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you hear?
2. Goodnight Moon
3. Daisy Says Coo
4. The Hungry Little Caterpillar
5. Mr. Brown Says Moo

Kara's Mommy blogs at Under the Golden Apple Tree

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