Summary: A boy wears his new yellow shirt and is transformed in his imagination into a duck, a lion, a daffodil, a trumpet, and other things.
Yy is for Yellow
You'll Need:
- Yellow paint chip cards {2 of each chip color strip}
- Construction paper
- Envelope
- Glue
To Make:
- Print out or hand draw the letter Yy.
- Have your LO decorate it using yellow crayons.
- Paint over with a watered down yellow paint wash.
- Cut it out and glue to a piece of construction paper.
- Hole punch and add it to your alphabet binder.
You'll Need:
- Yellow paint chip cards {2 of each chip color strip}
- Construction paper
- Envelope
- Glue
To Make:
- Pick up paint yellow paint chip cards at your local paint store.
- Glue 1 set of cards to construction paper.
- Cut the other paint chip card into color strips.
- Place the cards in an envelope and have your LO match the correct yellow shades with each other.
- Store in your binder.
More Yellow Fun
- Go on a yellow hunt around your house.
- Cut out 2 squares of different yellow fabrics to make texture fabric squares.
- Have your LO cut yellow yarn into pieces and glue it to a 'Y' printout and make a Yy yellow yarn collage.
here is our Y verse: your eye is the lamp of your body. Luke 11:34. Many blessings!!