Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Simply Made ~ Eggs

Around this time of the year, stores are filled with tons of little plastic eggs, cute pastel stickers, and bunny themed trinkets. Want to put some of those goodies to use by turning them into learning tools for your tots? Check out some of these fun ideas!
Easter Counting Game from My Montessori Journey
Uses egg stickers and bunny erasers.
Roll a die and place that many bunnies (counters) on the eggs. First one to cover all their eggs wins.

Color Sorting from Homeschool Creations
Uses an egg coloring tray and pom-poms.
Practice sorting colors and work on motor skills by placing pom-poms in the tray.

Rotten Egg Game from My Montessori Journey
Uses plastic eggs and egg stickers.
Practice matching by opening eggs and matching the sticker inside the egg to your game board. If you open a rotten egg, put your egg back. Match all your eggs to win.

Easter Egg Counting Game from Ramblings of a Crazy Woman
Uses plastic eggs and small Easter themed stickers.
Separate eggs and practice counting and numeral recognition by matching the written number (on the top half of the egg) to the corresponding number of stickers (on the bottom half of the egg.)

Depending on the age of your tot, you can get lots of educational fun with just those little plastic eggs and nothing more! Options include:

-Work on motor skills by opening and closing eggs.
-Practice color recognition by sorting the eggs by color.
-Hide the eggs and provide instructions for finding them.
-Count the eggs.
-Start a color pattern for your little one to complete.
-Hide small matching toys in eggs and play memory.


  1. What great activities with all of those Easter trinkets!

  2. As a former music teacher, I always like putting different things (beans, rice, peanuts, etc.)into 2 different eggs that my kids can shake and then have them match the same sounds.

  3. What fun ideas! I especially love the sorting activity with the egg dish.

    I think I will borrow that one for my preschool class. March is oval month.

  4. ohhh thanks for the inspiration Jenn. I'm not sure what we love to play with more around this time of year, the plastic eggs or the egg cartoons, lol.


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