Thursday, April 8, 2010

Once Upon a Book ~ What Makes a Rainbow?

 What Makes a Rainbow? [POP UP-WHAT MAKES A RAINBOW] 
by Betty Ann Schwartz

Summary: We absolutely LOVE this book! After the rainfall, mama rabbit informs little rabbit that they should soon see a rainbow. The inquisitive little rabbit asks his mother what makes a rainbow. Each bright and vivid page highlights a different color of the rainbow. Our favorite part is that it is a "magic ribbon book." As you turn each page another color of the rainbow magically appears and on the final pages you get to see a complete ribbon rainbow. Love it!!! Take a peek below!

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Bible Verse

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11 Ribbon Rainbow: Make a rainbow using scraps of ribbon. My older kids love doing this craft along with this book! However, this was the very first time that the little boys made their very own ribbon rainbow!

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First, the boys separated the ribbon scraps by color. Then they added them onto the glue lines I made on the paper.

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Rainbow Snack

Create a rainbow using various snack items. I asked the kids what we could use for each color of the rainbow and this is what we came up with!! I think I will repeat this activity this summer when we have lots more bright, yummy fruits to choose from! 

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Ribbon Sorting

We sorted ribbons from my ribbon stash. After sorting the ribbons, we worked on color names. I would ask them to pick up a certain color ribbon.

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Rice Rainbow

Make a rainbow using colored rice! This a fun craft that also works on motor skills. We made colored rice and printed off this rainbow. I cut out the rainbow and glued it to blue paper. I put glue on one bow and the boys sprinkled the rice over it one bow at a time until complete. 

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Once it was all dry, we glued cotton balls on for the clouds! 

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More Motor Skills

The boys matched the color ribbon with the same color hairbow and clipped it on. We also practiced our numbers by counting all the bows added to each ribbon.

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Beautiful Rainbow Came

One day the sun was shining bright  

(Hold up right hand like blocking sunlight.)

But some clouds came along and it became black as night.  

(Hold up left hand for the clouds.)

Then the rain began to sprinkle onto the ground  

(Wiggle fingers for the rain coming down.)

And soon it was raining all over the town.

But when the clouds had passed on by  

(Move both hands to one side.)

A big beautiful rainbow stretched across the sky  

(Make a rainbow arc with your hands.) from ChildFun

Want to see what's coming next (and books we've done in the past)? Click here to see our Once Upon a Book webpage!


  1. You should post your rainbow snack on Muffin Tin Monday next week. The theme is rainbows.

  2. These are all great. :-)))


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