Every Sunday Carisa hosts a feature on one of her other blogs called Tot School. If you’d like to know more about it, you can read more here! She has over 60 moms joining up weekly, so there are plenty of wonderful resources and ideas to find.
I don’t think that Erica at Confessions of a Homeschooler needs any introduction, but she also has several older children she homeschools ~ so keeping the bitty tot busy can be hard at times. Erica shares some of things they use to help keep her busy….and not into everything. :)
They start early teaching about responsibility…guess who is helping with the dishes?
Pom poms and tongs ~ keep a tot busy for sure.
Old cell phones would keep any little one busy for a long time….
Stickers, stickers, and more stickers ~ great fine motor work!
In all honesty…Erica has some amazing resources on her site and shares some of the humorous sides of trying to occupy a little one. If you haven’t visited her site yet, thinking that your little one isn’t quite ready yet ~ go!! Many of her printables can be adjusted to use with younger kids.
Hope you enjoy this Terrific Tot Site! To see more featured sites, click here!
I love reading her blog too!