Thursday, May 6, 2010

Once Upon a Book ~ Big Yellow Sunflower

Big Yellow Sunflower (Fold Out and Find Out)
by Francis Barry
Summary: Unfold the pages and read about the process of a tiny seed growing into a big yellow sunflower!
Bible Verse
Your love is so great it reaches to the skies. Your truth reaches to the clouds. Psalms 57:10
We had a lot of fun with this book. The little boys thoroughly enjoyed folding the pages in and out and watching the big yellow sunflower appear!
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Science: Plant a sunflower!

This is such a rewarding experience for a little one! We planted some last spring and the kids were amazed that the flower grew so tall! This is a wonderful time to reiterate the Bible Verse above. As high as the sunflowers may reach to the sky, God's love for his reaches even higher! If you happen to grow sunflowers, be sure to save a few seeds to possible plant the next year. You could always make cute little seed packets to store them!


We made sunflowers and more sunflowers! For the flower below, the little boys painted a paper plate and glued on petals that I pre-cut for them. Then they glued sunflowers and beans on the center of the flower. (We didn't have very many seeds left after planting the majority of them...hence the beans.)

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Floral Sensory Box

I added an bunch of silk flowers into the sensory box. The little boys enjoyed looking at all the different flowers.

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We were able to us the floral sensory box for many other skills as well! We sorted the flowers! We identified the flower colors. We counted flowers. We made flower patterns. We figured out which flowers looked most like the flower from the book!


Little Sunflower

I’m a little sunflower I’m so small.

Soil, sun, and water make me tall.

When I get all grown up you will see

That I’m as big as I can be!

Our sunflower unit was fun for all my The Sunflower Parable: Special 10th Anniversary Edition (Parable Series)kiddos, not just my tots. One of the books that I used for the older kids in conjunction with Big Yellow Sunflower was The Sunflower Parable by Liz Curtis Higgs. This is a  beautiful story about a little boy who hopes to grow sunflowers that reach to heaven. In the most simple, yet clever way the story explains our Father's garden and the process of spreading His message.

Want to see what's coming next (and books we've done in the past)? Click here to see our Once Upon a Book webpage!

1 comment:

  1. We have a sunflower planting kit that this book would go very well with! I will have to see if our library has a copy :0)


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