Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Now I Know My ABC’s ~ e is for egg

It's time for some fun alphabet crafts!! We hope you enjoy these! If you are new, you can visit our ABC webpage to find links to any other letters we have done, letters (with books listed) coming up, as well as all the fun crafty letters we have been working on. Be sure to check it out!


Ten Little Eggs by Jean Marzollo

Summary: Rhyming text will have your little one counting from 10 down to 1, talking about colors and discovering what comes from an egg!


What You’ll Need:

  • Yellow, white and orange foam
  • a few small yellow feathers
  • a wiggly eye
  • pen & pencil
  • glue/tape
  • scissors

e is for egg craft

How to Make the ‘e’ for egg:

  1. Cut out a lowercase ‘e’ from a piece of a yellow foam sheet. To make the letters go along with the uppercase letters we’ve done in the past, this letter was cut from a piece of foam that was about 2” x 4” ~ small, but oh so cute!
  2. Cut out an egg shape from white foam sheet {about 2” x 4”}.
  3. Cut the egg in half using a zig-zag cut so that it looks like the egg has cracked.
  4. Cut a small triangle out of the orange foam sheet to use a beak. Add a line for the beak opening using the pen.
  5. Open the egg up {as pictured above} and glue the lowercase ‘e’ on top of the egg shell.
  6. Add a the beak, feathers, and the wiggly eye.



  1. Thanks for these lower case letters! We are working through the upper case crafts right now but will go back and add these later!

  2. I featured this very cute letter e craft on my blog today. You can read the article here:

    Thanks for all of your hard work!

  3. Here's our e week, going off of your great e is for egg craft!

  4. Hi I found this through pinterest - thank you very much the boys had great fun.


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God Bless!