Monday, August 23, 2010

Terrific Tot Sites ~ Tot School Highlights

Every Sunday Carisa hosts a feature on her other blog called Tot School. If you are one who doesn't know that, you can go here to read more about it! She has over 60 moms joining up weekly, so there are plenty of wonderful resources and ideas to find.

This week we’re highlighting Annette from The Life of a Pastor’s Wife. She is a mom of two tots ~ Isaac (30 months) and Miriam (13 months). Here are a few of the fun things that she has been doing at home with her tots.

Pipe cleaner and clothespin matching was a big hit. Issac has to match the correct color of pipe cleaner to the clothespin with the same colored paint chip. A great fine motor activity too…


And they double as bracelets…


Stickers are always a hit!


Annette found a great mini ABC foam alphabet at the Dollar Tree and let Issac match up the letters to an alphabet printable Carisa put together.


This penny drop idea came from another Tot School Mom, Nichole, but great ideas need to be shared. Cut a slit in the top of a plastic container and let your little one have fun dropping the coins in from one jar to another.


My favorite idea from her though, is Tot School in a Bag! When Annette knew they would be gone for a few days, she packed a bag full of activities for her kids to keep their routine going {and the kids occupied}.
The Terrific Tot Sites feature is designed to help you find fun and safe websites to visit with your toddler. Some of the sites are educational in nature and some are just plain fun! If this is your first time visiting, be sure to check out some of the toddler websites that we've featured in the past. Hope you enjoy this Terrific Tot Site!
Hope you enjoy this Terrific Tot Site! To see more featured sites, click here!

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