Monday, November 1, 2010

Little Books for Little Cooks ~ That’s Not My Bunny…

Little Books for Little Cooks

Pita Bunnies


Our kids love all things cream cheese, so this little bunny had nibbles disappearing the second they saw him!

The Book Before You Cook…


That’s Not My Bunny by Fiona Watt

Summary: Great board book for little ones where they can explore different textures by touching the ears and tail of the bunny.

When It’s Time to Cook…

You’ll Need:

  • 2 pita bread pockets per bunny
  • cream cheese
  • mini carrots
  • knife
To Make:
  1. Spread cream cheese on one two round pita pockets. Cut one of the pita pockets in half.
  2. Cut a small carrot in rounds and use three carrot coins as eyes and a nose.
  3. Cut another carrot lengthwise into thin strips and use the pieces as whiskers for your bunny.
  4. Place the round pita face on a plate and use the two half pitas as ears for your bunny. Enjoy!

Optional: You can also use peanut butter and fluff to create your bunny. Open the pita halves and spread peanut butter inside and then cover the outside with marshmallow fluff. Use blueberries as eyes and a nose and thin pieces of licorice as whiskers.

Hope you enjoy this cooking activity with your little one! To see more featured books and activities, click here!

Little Books for Little Cooks is a bi-monthly feature that focuses on creating some edible fun with your little one.   We will share a fun book to read with your little one along with a cooking activity to do that ties in with the featured book. Sometimes there may be actual cooking involved…and sometimes just fun!



  1. We have the book "That's Not My Bunny...", but nowhere in it does it have a place to put your finger in and wiggle the ladybug. Our book is strictly touch and feel. Just wanted to make sure that you were printing the correct description.

    Thanks soooooo much for all of the great ideas you provide. I always get excited when you do a project for a book that we already own.


  2. Great idea~! Going to town today and going to pick up some pita pockets and cream cheese.. This will be something that Ben would like. He has gotten to be such a picky eater.. All he wants is those little tiny hotdogs (forget what they are called) and pepperoni.. I need all the help I can get...Thanks and Thanks again.

  3. We love the That's not my books. I'm thinking I could make all sorts of shapes out of pita pockets and cream cheese to go along with those books! Our favorite is "That's not my truck" Pita pocket truck, here we come!!


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God Bless!