Thursday, November 4, 2010

Operation Christmas Child ~ More Than Just a Shoebox

What to Pack

I have to admit something to you all. Last year we participated in Operation Christmas Child and filled several shoeboxes, but after we were done, I said that I wouldn’t be doing it again this year.

Then last month I learned so much more about the project and the impact of Operation Christmas Child. It all started with this video ~ showing how one shoebox can change the life of a child and then children for generations to come.

Take three minutes to see what I mean…

Watching that video clip still makes me cry every.single.time. While we may not know who is on the receiving end of the shoeboxes that we pack and send out, God knows. The mission of OCC:

To demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

What do you need to do to participate? It’s really rather easy! You can print off a step-by-step packing list here.


  1. Find an empty shoebox {or similar sized box}
  2. Decide if you are putting together a box for a boy or a girl.
  3. Fill your shoebox with gifts for that child.
  4. Include a donation for $7 {to help cover the costs of shipping}.
  5. Drop off your shoebox!

After you’ve filled your box, don’t forget to put in a note for the child you are sending the box to. Samaritan’s Purse has a coloring sheet that you can print off and help your child fill out.

Important Dates to Note: National Collection Week is November 15-22. You can find a nearby drop off location by clicking here

The question now is ~ what are you waiting for? Are you ready to make a difference in the life of a child?


A few extra links:



  1. We love Operation Christmas Child! No matter how many times I see that video I cry.... God is so neat! He is in the details. Amen?

  2. Thank you so much for posting this...They just passed out pamphlets about this at church last night!

  3. thank alot for making me cry this early in the morning :) really thanks!!! I mean it!!

    I checked our closest drop off is 30 mins away but we are doing it!!!!

    I'll take my girls together friday after my oldest gets out of school it's a get out at noon day.

    we are so doing this!!!

  4. here is my post on my blog linking back to here:

  5. Our church is doing the shoebox ministry.. How wonderful it is to know that our shoeboxes that we are sending are loved by so many children that don't have anything.

    Our children here in America are very spoiled...and so are we...

  6. I love that one! Have you heard this song?

    This year my little girl turns three on Nov. 13th and so we are having an Operation Christmas child/ happy birthday party where all are asked to bring packed shoeboxes instead of gifts. I have had a blast putting this together with shoebox packing games, crafts, and cake- too fun!! we hope to impact many lives :)

  7. Thanks so much for this post! My kids love doing Operation Christmas Child and it gives them a tangible way to feel like they are impact kids around the world for Jesus Christ.

  8. Apparently it still makes me cry every time, too. Sheesh!

  9. I'm totally doing this with my kids!We have 6 kids and I was thinking I would have each child pack their own shoebox.Thanks so much for posting this.

  10. Thanks so much for sharing this video. I too admit I was not planning on filling a box. Thanks for reminding me why it is such a good organization.


  11. Wow, this has touched me in a way that you can't even imagine. As a child growing up, my mom was a single parent, raising me on public assistance, in an abusive relationship, and I grew up in battered women and homeless shelters. There never was a Christmas for me, with trees, or making lists, or presents. I was always okay with that, because I knew we didn't have much, and I was thankful for the little I had.

    One year for Christmas, we were living in a homeless shelter. A group of people came in, and asked all of the children what we wanted for Christmas. This was the first time anyone had asked me what I wanted. Christmas morning I opened up a box, with Barbie roller skates. Those people will never know the impact that those skates have left on my life.

    I can't wait to put together some shoe boxes with my children, and know the joy we'll be giving a child at Christmas. Thanks for posting this!

  12. I don't need to click that link. I've seen it several times at church already. LOL

    We do it every year and it's something we look forward to. I'm glad that you had a change of heart.

    We'll be doing our box shopping this weekend. Our church makes it really easy. The wrap hundreds of boxes for us.

  13. Beautiful... I cried as well! I loved it thanks for sharing :)

  14. I have to let you know that I know the lady in your video. She is a true, genuine Christian. I work with her in a hospice program. She is currently working on getting her mom a visa to come here from Bosnia.


  15. What a beautiful story. Here's another recipient of a shoebox who now travels around speaking at churches about her gratitude for Operation Christmas Shoebox...

    She has a great blog on saving money too!

  16. The video had me in tears as well.

    What a lovely testimony of God's transforming love.
    My family and I have participated in OCC for the last three years and we feel so blessed to be able to give back of all that the Lord has blessed us with.

    May His peace reign in your heart.


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God Bless!