Monday, January 3, 2011

Tots on a Mission…Kenya


We at Totally Tots are very excited to kick off this new feature, “Tots On A Mission”! Our hope is that you can use this information to teach your tots about the big world we live in – not only for knowledge sake but, more importantly, to instill a desire to pray for those all around the world who have never heard about Jesus Christ.


Kenya is located on the eastern coast of Africa, right along the equator. Because of it’s vast population of animals such as zebras, lions, elephants, giraffes, cheetahs, rhinos and more, Kenya is a popular place for people to go on a safari. There are many places to explore including mountains, swamps, deserts and forests.Photo by William Albert Allard

There are over 40 different tribes of people speaking over 60 different languages living in Kenya. While the major religion of Kenya is Christianity, over 31% of the Kenyan population have never heard of Jesus Christ.

Learn more about Kenya!

Prayers for Kenya

  • Thank God for:
    • Every person in Kenya that loves and follows Jesus
    • The open door in Kenya that allows Christian missions, education & ministry
  • Ask God for:
    • Continued stability in the country so the Word of God can be taught
    • Open hearts for those that are hearing about Jesus for the very first time, especially children
    • Christians to go and share about Jesus with those in Kenya that have never heard about Him and for God to go before them to prepare the way

Get Involved!

Each month in Tots On A Mission, we will share how you can make a difference for God’s glory and show God’s love in the featured country.

Mercy House Kenya

Mercy House Kenya is an organization started by Kristen Welch ( whose purpose is “to provide alternative options for pregnant girls living in the streets of Kenya. The Mercy House will aid them in nutrition, housing, prenatal care, counseling, Biblical teaching and job skills for sustainable living.” You can read more about why Mercy House Kenya was started and how they help these girls here.

This month, Mercy House Kenya is holding a Mercy Benefit Day on January 17th featuring an online silent auction of some FABULOUS items with all proceeds benefitting The Mercy House. So click on the banner to see what they have up for grabs!


Also, consider sponsoring a child from Kenya through World Vision or Compassion International.

We’ve put together a printable about Kenya for you all to use with your little ones as you pray for the country. Color in the flag, see where the country is located, and spell out the name of the country too. Keep it handy because it also has the things to thank God for about the country as well as prayer reminders.

Kenya example

Click on the image to download the Kenya printable.

There are so many ways to impact the world for the kingdom of God! Find out more in the book “Window on the World”.




  1. very cool. we use that same book with mfw (my father's world) and we start back up next week...with Africa (Kenya). Perfect timing! It'll be fun to have something my littler kids can use too.

  2. Have been wanting a missions segment for my boys (2.5 and 4.5)- this is a perfect fit. Thank you!!!!

  3. This is a wonderful site & awesome idea!!

  4. Love this too!! We were going to work on learning about some countries since we recently sponsored a child in the Dominican Republic and my husband's cousin and cousin's wife just moved to Thailand. We also learned that our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes went to Panama. It has been fun looking on the map.

    Looking forward to more. =)

  5. Just wanted to say thank you from the missionary community. Although I don't live in Kenya, I appreciate your prayers and praises and for teaching your children about what God is doing all around the world. God is going to use the prayers of your young children to do some great things. This new site is just wonderful...I'll be using it with my kiddos as well!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. All comments are moderated and posted ASAP!

God Bless!