You’ll Need:
- bread
- peanut butter
- bird seed
- string
- cookie cutters
- knife
- straw
- Cut the bread with cookie cutters.
- Spread peanut butter over the bread.
- Dip the bread in the bird seed.
- Use a straw to make a hole in the middle of the bread (so it won’t fall apart when you hang it).
- Put the string through the hole and tie it in a knot.
You can make peanut free suets by mixing lard, grated cheese, sunflower seeds, raisins, wild bird seeds and fresh bread crumbs (or rolled oats) or by following the "smear" method outlined here. I just posted an etnry on my blog about homemade suet and while I used about 4 Tbsp of peanut butter, it's totally optional. PS - Make sure the lard is not too warm, otherwise you'll have quite a mess on your hands!