Monday, February 28, 2011

What’s in the Tub? ~ Space Sensory Tub

sensory tubs

Next month our theme at Totally Tots is Space.  Here are some ideas for you to use in a sensory tub with your little one to explore the theme up close and personal.   


 What’s in the Tub?:


I used a blue tub and put some of the glow-in-the-dark stars on the side.  


The tub was a huge hit and the kids were asking to play with it before I could even set it on the floor!  NOTE:  Make sure you put a rug down because there will be moon sand everywhere!

What’s in the Tub? is a feature that focuses on fun sensory tub ideas to go along with the monthly theme at Totally Tots.   Click here to see past sensory tub ideas.



  1. This is a wonderful tub!!! I love how much detail and thought you put into it:)
    Jada Roo Can Do

  2. I have seen these sensory tubs here and on a few other blogs. I am new to this whole preschool thing so please don't think I'm an idiot for asking these questions. What is the purpose of these tubs? And how do I use them in my preschool?

  3. Cassie ~

    It's not a bad question at all. Basically sensory bins are a great way
    for children to explore a theme in a different format ~ through
    different textures, etc... The bins can be HUGE {my classroom used to
    have a big rolling table/bin} or as small as you want to make them {like
    a dishpan size}. Depending on what you put in the bins, children can
    explore different textures and mediums and get in some great fine motor
    learning time! If you have rice in your bin, your child can measure,
    scoop, pour, etc... In the summer, you can put water in a bin and have
    some water play. Also, it's a great 'contained' area to play with things
    that you wouldn't necessarily want all over your house {like moon sand
    or rice}. Most importantly ~ it's just plain old fun! :)

    Does that help out any?


  4. What a great idea for a sensory tub and a great way for them to explore the space theme.


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God Bless!