Monday, March 14, 2011

Touch, Feel, Learn ~ What Dissolves?

touch feel learnIt’s time to explore the world around us and have some fun predicting and observing what pantry items dissolve and do not dissolve in water.


You’ll Need:

  • glasses of water (we did our experiment in the kitchen so I just rinsed out the same container)
  • spoon
  • small bowls
  • flour
  • salt
  • rice
  • coffee grounds
  • sugar
  • any other pantry items you want to try
  • does not dissolve and dissolves labels

I started out by explaining what dissolving means ~ the pieces break into tiny pieces and you can no longer see them.   I set all of the items out and let Aiden predict which items would dissolve in the water and which ones wouldn’t. 

  IMG_4960   IMG_4961

Aiden’s predictions

Then I let Aiden test his predictions.

IMG_4951_edited-1 IMG_4945 

As he tested each item we talked about his prediction and what actually happened.  We ended up doing the flour twice.  Aiden’s first attempt he added extra flour (which mommy forgot to put away) and had a goopy mess.

Touch, Feel, Learn is a fun feature that focuses on science and nature activities for little ones.  Click here to see past Touch, Feel, Learn ideas.



  1. Cindy,

    Thanks for sharing this fun science activity. I've added it to my son's projects for this week.

  2. CaraAtThePickyAppleMarch 14, 2011 at 6:47 PM

    Bookmarking this one for an activity for spring break this week! My 3.5 year old son loves any activity involving water or stirring, so this will be really neat!

  3. We just did this today! It's perfect to teach the Scienctic Method!


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