Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Simply Made: Reading Rings

"Reading Rings" are a great way to let your tot practice reading and exploring their world. The possibilities for Reading Rings are endless and only limited by your imagination. Reading Rings can be as simple as a set of ABC flashcards or family names and pictures. Tots will enjoy flipping through them  over and over which fosters confidence through repeated readings. As your tot grows, use the reading rings to target skills they are working on--letter identification, beginning sounds, rhyming, etc.

The Reading Ring we are making today is going to be made out of recycled environmental print using the front flap of cereal boxes, snack boxes, etc. I literally raided my recycling bin for this one!

  • Gather the front flap of cereal boxes, snack boxes, etc.
  • Single Hole Punch
  • Book Rings

1. Cut the front flap off of cereal boxes, snack boxes, etc. (Almost anything goes here!)

2.  Punch a hole in the top left corner.

3.  Thread a book ring through all of the holes and close.

4.  Place in your book basket for your tot to explore.
    Suggested Activities:
    • Search for target letters.
    • Search for target sounds.
    • Count the number of target letters you find.
    • Search for numbers.
    • Add the numbers you find.
    • Count the words.
    • Read the labels.
    Other Reading Rings I've Made:
    • ABC Flashcards on a ring
    • Number Flashcards on a ring
    • Vocabulary Words & Pictures for Units (Print an extra copy of the vocabulary words from Preschool Packs, laminate, and place them on a ring)
    • Family Names & Pictures
    • Friends from Church
    "Big Picture" Reading Concepts Reading Rings Target:
    • Turning pages of a book
    • Left to right & Top to bottom direction of print
    • Identifying Environmental Print
    • Confidence through Repeated Readings


        1. Fantastic idea! Great way to use environmental print.

        2. What a great way to practice environmental reading!

        3. we use to make these not I make them with the sight words and other words she is learning to read. they are a lot of fun! my youngest still gets out her old ones from when she was a tot.

        4. The options really are endless!

        5. That's great! And if you laminate them they'll last forever!


        Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. All comments are moderated and posted ASAP!

        God Bless!