Monday, May 9, 2011

Touch, Feel, Learn ~ Nature Bingo

touch feel learn

It’s time to explore the world around us and have some fun enjoying the great outdoors playing Nature Bingo. 

  image  click on the image to download

You’ll Need:

How To Play:

You can play Nature Bingo in your backyard, on a walk, or at the park.   To play ~ search for three items in a row, or if you want to make it more challenging look for all of the items on bingo card.  The first person to find the items, cross them off and yell “NATURE” is the winner.

Aiden had no problem finding flowers


a huge tree (with leaves), IMG_5242 

and a pinecone.


Aiden found everything on the Nature Bingo sheet, although he had to really look for the acorn.  His favorite part was crossing the items off the sheet and yelling “NATURE”. 

We also found some things that weren’t on on Nature Bingo card including:

a mushroom growing on a dead tree, IMG_5239_edited-1

geese, ducks, and some very cute baby ducklings


and a red squirrel who followed us around hoping for a hand-out.


Touch, Feel, Learn is a fun feature that focuses on science and nature activities for little ones.  Click here to see past Touch, Feel, Learn ideas.



  1. Hi Cindy! Wanted to let you know that we featured this activity and printable at our blog, Preschool Printables! We'd love for you to check it out and if there are any problems, we'll be certain to take it down :)

    Thanks so much!

    Kayla Johnson

  2. Oops! Guess I should have left the link so you can actually check it out! >>

  3. hi cindy,
    we too really liked this idea and have featured it and you on our site with a direct link back to this page.  we can be found at  If you have any problem with this, please email me at and I will remove it asap!  


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. All comments are moderated and posted ASAP!

God Bless!