Thursday, July 14, 2011

Once Upon a Book ~ Froggy Plays Soccer



Froggy Plays Soccer by Jonathan London

Summary: This is a fun little book about Froggy at his soccer game. He tries to remember to NOT use his hands…except to slap high fives!

Bible Verse: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Matching: The boys used the Sports Balls Grid Game along with our Education Cubes for a fun matching game. We used the Sports Balls insert cards in our cubes. They rolled the cube and then covered the same ball on their grid using their puff ball magnets.


Literacy & Fine Motor: I printed the Letter B (for balls) Alphabet Do-a-Dot from Rather than using markers, we used sports stickers. They put one sticker in each of the circles.


Counting: The boys used the Soccer Grid Game along with our Education Cubes. We used the soccer counting insert cards in our cubes. They rolled the cube, counted the soccer balls on the cube and then covered the same number of balls on their grid using their puff ball magnets. This is a fun way to work on counting and 1 to 1 correspondence!


Stamping: The boys used some paint and a square foam sports stamp to create a sports collage.


Painting: I found a soccer coloring page for the boys to paint. I used a marker to add dots into the parts of the ball that were to be painted black.


Outside Fun: We gathered some of our balls. We sorted them by size, shape, and color. We put them in order by size. We counted them. We had fun kicking, throwing, and rolling them around the yard.


Want to see what's coming next (and books we've done in the past)? Click here to see our Once Upon a Book webpage!


  1. LOve these ideas.  My 3 year old is Froggy crazy right now.  He can't get enough and he would love all of these activities.  Thanks

  2. We love the Froggy books at our house. I am so excited to try out some of these ideas! Thank you for sharing! I am pinning this.


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