Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Little Hands-on ABCs and 123s - Fly Swatter ABCs

little handson Abc 123
When Bear was little, we used to practice the letter sounds by having our puppet, Dudley the dragon, eat the sounds I called out.  I had gotten this idea from Carissa (1+1+1=1) who had Krash and PacMan play a similar game with their alphabet bean bags.
I forgot about Dudley with J-jo until recently when I was looking back on my blog for ideas.  However, I came up with another fun way for him to practice identifying the letter sounds.  Being a little boy, he likes to be rough and thus the idea of having slap his letters with a fly swatter was born.
I call out a letter sound and he swats it.  Simple, yet effective.
Julie Signature Button


  1. You might enjoy some of the ideas I wrote about at OJTA for using fly swatters:

  2. JDaniel loves to swat things. I need to get him focused on letters.

  3. This reminds me of a game my girls love that comes with a "slapping' spoon."  It has a suction cup on it.  Very clever:

  4. I find this to be hilarious for some reason!  What a great idea!  I know my son will love this.  :)

  5. That's too funny! My son is one and he loves the fly swatter. I'll have to remember this once we start learning letters. 

  6. We have a fly swatter for painting but my toddler would love any chance to slap something with it! Great idea!

    I'd love for you to link up and share:

  7. Courtney @ The Vegetarian MomDecember 1, 2011 at 8:16 PM

    My Little Man will love this!  I'm also thinking I could use some letters on Christmas-themed cards to use during circle time in my classroom!  Thanks for the idea!


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