Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mommy Made Printables ~ Circus


We are excited to share some Circus printables for you to use with your tots as you explore together!

Circus Early Learning Pack {from Homeschool Creations}image

Circus Tot Pack {from Confessions of a Homescooler}image

Do you have any free Circus printables YOU have created {and share}? If so, leave a link to your blog post in the comments below!



  1. I'm very excited to print and use the tot pack with my budding 3 year old. We went to the circus a couple months ago and my guy can't stop talking about it, so I hope I can turn his enthusiasm for the real thing in to sit down learning fun! :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. All comments are moderated and posted ASAP!

God Bless!