Monday, December 1, 2008

Introducing ~ Jill

IMG_7523I am living the blessed life – saved by grace and bought by the precious blood of my Savior. Through His tender mercy, love unending and never changing my life has changed from ordinary to extraordinary. I am blessed with a God fearing husband who seeks after the truth daily, digs deep into the word and lives to bless others by teaching it!

Scott and I are the proud parents of 9 amazing children (5 girls – {our newest daughter Lilly will be home January 2010!} and 4 boys) - 7 have come into our hearts and home through international adoption over the last 3.5 years. Our children's ages are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 & 15 yrs old. Our house is never dull and as my husband's parents like to joke - "grass doesn't grow under our feet for long". Only by God's grace and never ending mercy can I be the Mother and wife He is calling me to be. If you peeked inside our home you would see me up just as the sun begins to rise for my beloved quiet time with the Lord. I have learned that time is what gives me the strength, patience and love to meet the needs of our children. We begin our day with morning prayers, and time spent in their Hermie and Wormie Bible. Each day is filled with homeschooling five of our children, coloring, play-doh, singing, dancing, building with blocks and legos.

I enjoy capturing our special moments together and share them on our family blog Forever ‘n Ever ‘n Always and Forever ‘n Ever ‘n Always Photography. My heart and passion is to write about God's love and all He has done for me and our family. You can also find me at my homeschooling blog, The Excellence of Wisdom, and also at Breaking Free: Truths for Healthy Living. Here at Totally Tots I wrote posts for Did You Know and In My Heart. Currently, I am writing a new feature From Tots to Teens where I express my hearts cry for every Mom to know and live by His grace no matter how many children you have! I'm so excited to be a part of Totally Tots and humbled to travel in this journey together as we seek after God's plans for our families.
me n lexi

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