Friday, June 11, 2010

Introducing ~ Valerie

AvatarImageWe are thrilled to share another new team member with you! Most of you probably know her, or have at least been to one of her awesome sites.

Valerie is the mom of 3 little ones and the creator of these amazing sites:

Valerie also has her own blog, The Crafty Classroom. It was Valerie who got me into blogging several years ago. I joined in with her Little Laplinks as a way to give back and look where it led me!!!! Not only was it Little Laplinks that got me blogging, Valerie has been an amazing friend behind the scenes. I am truly grateful for her and honored to have her on our Totally Tots team!

Valerie will be creating the printables for our next “In My Heart” series!

We are thrilled to share that these new printables will be based off of the amazing Seeds Family Worship CDs!!!

Valerie will be sharing a new printable every other week, beginning next week. She is starting with the first Seeds CD…Seeds of Courage.

If you would like to purchase any of the Seeds CDs, you can use this coupon code on their site…imageOr you can find them on Amazon, or on iTunes.

A HUGE thanks to Seeds for sending review copies our way, we are in LOVE!!! We even have a giveaway coming soon!!!!


  1. Welcome Valerie!

    Blessings to you and thank you for all of your creative and hard work!


  2. Yay! Welcome, Valerie! I'm excited to see the printables for the Seeds CDs - I listen to them every day with my kids!

  3. Welcome! Looking forward to seeing some fun stuff.

  4. AMAZING! I can't wait. Truly...this is an answered prayer for our family. We absolutely LOVE the Seeds CDs...the Seeds of Courage is our favorite. I am grateful for the worksheets you are creating...can't wait to use those for our family! Thank you, thank you!

  5. Thank you for the warm welcome, and for such a lovely introduction Carisa! I'm really excited to get started with this project, the verses have been fun to make printables for so far, and I'm glad to hear that they will be a blessing for others!

    Thanks again Carisa for the opportunity :)




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God Bless!