Thursday, June 10, 2010

Once Upon a Book ~ Peek-A-Boo Jungle

Peek-a-Boo Jungle
Illustrated by Francesca Ferri 

Summary: Play peek-a-boo with each of the jungle animals which include an elephant, zebra, giraffe, hippo, panda bear, crocodile, and lion. This is a fun folding flap book and at the end the child can see themselves hiding! My two year olds really enjoyed this book!

Bible Verse

“God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind” Genesis 1:24


We used our foam animal kit to make little puppets to play peek-a-boo with. Here are the boys animal creations!


We made zebra brownies. Prepare the brownies and drizzle with melted white chocolate or frosting. These were, of course, a huge hit!


We used our box of miniature animals similar to these to work on grouping. Then we counted up all of the different kinds of animals. We talked about which animal we had the most and the least of. We compared the amounts and finally we counted up all of our jungle animals.


The little boys matched up their animals with those in the book and identified them by name. They had fun letting their little animal friends pay peek-a-boo with the animals in the book!

Dramatic Play

The boys pretended to be the different animals…sounds and all! We had lots of fun with this!

Song & Fingerplays

I Went to the Jungle One Day (tune: "London Bridge”)
I went to the jungle one day,
jungle one day, jungle one day.
I saw a lion on the way
and this is what he said, "ROAR"!
Continue by adding other jungle animals and their sounds!
(from Perpetual Preschool)
Want to see what's coming next (and books we've done in the past)? Click here to see our Once Upon a Book webpage!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool!! That was one of my sons favorite books when he was younger! The speech path recommended it to encourage him to speak.


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