Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Simply Made ~ Lacing Tools

Does your little one need help with lacing? Is your child almost ready to learn how to sew on a button, but needs a little more practice controlling a needle? Cardboard lacing tubes are super easy to make and they are a great way to work on those fine motor skills. All you need are some paper towel rolls, yarn, a children’s needle, and a hole puncher {optional: paint or colored paper & clothespins}

Punch holes in the toilet paper tubes. To add color, you can either paint the tubes or glue colored paper to the tubes prior to hole punching them. Use the clothespins to wrap the yarn so that it doesn’t get tangled. When your little one is ready to sew, unwrap the yarn and thread the needle.


Use the needle to sew/lace through each of the holes being sure to leave a tail at the beginning and end.


Once all of holes have been sew/laced, tie the tail ends together!


Thank you to Amy at the Wonder Years for sharing this her wonderful lacing tool for tots!!!

1 comment:

  1. ooo what a great tool! I need to pick up some children's needles! I think Sammy would love this activity!


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