Monday, September 13, 2010

Terrific Tot Sites ~ Peekuboo

The Terrific Tot Sites feature is designed to help you find fun and safe websites to visit with your toddler. Some of the sites are educational in nature and some are just plain fun! If this is your first time visiting, be sure to check out some of the toddler websites that we've featured in the past. Hope you enjoy this Terrific Tot Site!
Peekuboo is a FREE interactive site for toddlers and parents that has online books that your child can read through. There are a variety of books and games
When ‘reading’ through the online story books, you can also interact with the pages by simply pressing the space bar or moving the mouse around.
Peekuboo also has some interactive games based on color, nature, matching, sounds, and more. In the screen shot below you are asked to choose the color of an apple. If the wrong color is picked it makes a silly ‘wrong’ sound and when the right color is chosen, the computer plays a clapping sound and shoots confetti.
Another neat feature of the site is that you can invite a friend to read along with you on Peekuboo using Skype. If you have grandparents that live a distance away, they can read to your little one while you are both online together. :)
Best of all ~ the site is free!!
Hope you enjoy this Terrific Tot Site! To see more featured sites, click here!

1 comment:

  1. oo this site sounds so cool! Thanks for sharing.. off to check it out!


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