Monday, December 1, 2008

Introducing ~ Jenn

I am a Christian and I love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I am striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman! I am happily married to my best friend who is a wonderful man who seeks the Lord with all his heart. I am the homeschooling mama of five little ones; one girl and four boys. Our sole princess (KJ) is 6 years old. All of our boys came in sets of two! My oldest set of twins (DC & JJ) are 4 years old and the youngest set (JI & TJ) are 2 years old. I love spending time together as a family (all seven of us). The kiddos always keep us laughing! Prior to having children I was a high school math teacher. I have my BA in Math and a Masters degree in Education. In my "spare" time I enjoy scrap-booking, though blogging seems to be taking its place. I currently have three blogs. Mama Jenn is my family/homeschool/craft/everything blog. "Brown Like Me" is a book review blog featuring books with "brown" characters. The Homeschool Resource List is a collection of all the free online resources that I have found for homeschoolers.

Here on Totally Tots, I will be contributing to the Simply Made and Once Upon a Book features. I am thrilled to be part of Totally Tots and I look forward to seeing how the Lord will use this awesome site to bless other moms as it has so blessed me!

Introducing ~ Heather

I’m the mother to four great kids, three girls and a boy. I am an eclectic homeschooler and I love teaching and learning beside my children. I love writing and feel that it is a gift that God has given me and a calling that I want to use to honor Him. I will be writing for Get Real with God~Inspirations for Moms here at Totally Tots. I hope you take time to read and gather biblical insight that we can apply to our lives as mothers. My blogs are at: From Tiny To Teen ~ homeschool product reviews, my homeschool adventures, this is my main blog. Babies & Ballpoint Pens ~ school, home, and reviews, and Novelized ~ this is where I explore my writing. Lots of samples of my writing and novel excerpts are here. If you love to read, please check this out. I'd love for you to stop by and get to know me.

Introducing ~ Carissa

009I’m the joyful mother of six children, ages 14 to 2. Homeschooling is a way of life for us and I’m so thankful to be doing it. I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart for nearly 17 years and started loving Jesus when I was just a tot (5). My heart’s desire is for mom’s to see that the Bible is relevant in all things: How you raise and teach your children, your marriage, your homes, your finances, your joys and sorrows. God’s covered it all!! My passion is to encourage moms to KNOW that God is for them! I will write honestly in sharing how God has dealt with me in this regard in Get Real with God. I share about the rest of my life and my beautiful family on my blog: My Life on a Taffy Pull. Please join me as we seek God and find His will for us during this precious time of raising Tots.

signature button Carissa

Introducing ~ Carisa

IMG_2532 nI am a homeschooling mom of 2 boys {Pac Man and Krash}, and a baby girl {Ladybug}. I am happily married and have been for over 10 years. Our family has lived and served in one of America's most crime-filled inner city neighborhoods since 2004 as full time missionaries.

Before becoming a mommy, I taught public school Kindergarten for 5 years and I also hold an Early Childhood (Birth-K) degree. My passion through this blog is to bring Christian moms of tots together. I only hope I will honor the Lord in all of my efforts to bring us all together and keep the blog well designed, functioning, and useful along with Jolanthe! Currently I am writing/overseeing posts on the blog for the following features: In My Heart, Cute Tots, Treats 4 Your Tot, Play with Me, & Mommy Made Printables. You can follow me at my personal blog, 1+1+1=1 or visit me at Lil' Ladybug if you'd like! I am also on Twitter: @1plus1plus1.

Introducing ~ Jodi

I am not who I used to be, thanks to God working through me over the years. I met my high school sweetheart (Hottie Hubby . . . AKA Brian) almost 17 years ago on a blind date (that I organized) clueless as to how my life would radically change in the year to follow. Through an organization called Campus Crusade for Christ, I came to know about Jesus while visiting my husband's sister on a college shopping weekend. I discovered that you could be in a sorority, wear trendy clothes and know Jesus. Shallow . . . but it just goes to show you that God reaches out and works in our lives wherever we are at. I never joined a sorority, but I did follow Jesus, and have yet to dress trendy! The Hottie Hubby and I have been married 10 years and continue to date while training up three busy boys, Mr. Smackdown, Mr. Me-Too, and Mr. Smiley. Prior to being a mom, I taught English to junior high students, was privileged to homeschool another family, sorted books in a basement in India, and loved being a kindergarten teacher for 3 years. We feel led to homeschool our boys due to where we currently live and to be ready to enter full time missionary work when the Lord gives us the green light! I will be writing for Once Upon a Book here at Totally Tots. You can find me blogging about our granola life, school, products, food, books, and God over at Granola Mom 4 God.

Introducing ~ Jill

IMG_7523I am living the blessed life – saved by grace and bought by the precious blood of my Savior. Through His tender mercy, love unending and never changing my life has changed from ordinary to extraordinary. I am blessed with a God fearing husband who seeks after the truth daily, digs deep into the word and lives to bless others by teaching it!

Scott and I are the proud parents of 9 amazing children (5 girls – {our newest daughter Lilly will be home January 2010!} and 4 boys) - 7 have come into our hearts and home through international adoption over the last 3.5 years. Our children's ages are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 & 15 yrs old. Our house is never dull and as my husband's parents like to joke - "grass doesn't grow under our feet for long". Only by God's grace and never ending mercy can I be the Mother and wife He is calling me to be. If you peeked inside our home you would see me up just as the sun begins to rise for my beloved quiet time with the Lord. I have learned that time is what gives me the strength, patience and love to meet the needs of our children. We begin our day with morning prayers, and time spent in their Hermie and Wormie Bible. Each day is filled with homeschooling five of our children, coloring, play-doh, singing, dancing, building with blocks and legos.

I enjoy capturing our special moments together and share them on our family blog Forever ‘n Ever ‘n Always and Forever ‘n Ever ‘n Always Photography. My heart and passion is to write about God's love and all He has done for me and our family. You can also find me at my homeschooling blog, The Excellence of Wisdom, and also at Breaking Free: Truths for Healthy Living. Here at Totally Tots I wrote posts for Did You Know and In My Heart. Currently, I am writing a new feature From Tots to Teens where I express my hearts cry for every Mom to know and live by His grace no matter how many children you have! I'm so excited to be a part of Totally Tots and humbled to travel in this journey together as we seek after God's plans for our families.
me n lexi

Introducing ~ Jolanthe

image I am a mom of 4 rather energetic kiddos {currently 8,7,5, and 3} ~ and wife to a great man {who has much grace for me and my many endeavors}. We’ve been married for almost 12 years and are involved together on our church worship team and also leading classes from Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace.

Before becoming a mom, I worked in our local school system as a preschool special education teacher and hold a master’s in Early Childhood Special Education. My blogging started on No Ordinary Moments as a way for me to share some of the funny things happening in our house with family that lived in different states. Eventually I started another blog, Homeschool Creations, specifically focused our homeschooling adventures. I also love scrapbooking, but my blogs have become our main “scrapbook” for the time being, capturing what we’re doing together as a family and all the fun little moments of our day…because I want to remember these busy, fun-filled times in the years to come!

I am so excited to be a part of Totally Tots and partner with Carisa to help moms as their little ones grow up ~ while helping moms grow in their walk with God too! Here at Totally Tots I write/oversee posts for TOTally Working For Me, Once Upon a Book, Now I Know My ABC's, Little Books for Little Cooks, Book Basket, and Terrific Tot Sites.

Feel free to stop by and get a peek into our crazy~busy lives at either No Ordinary Moments or Homeschool Creations.

Introducing ~ Erica

I am a Christian mom, with a wonderful husband of 9 years, and 4 precious kiddos! I have a second grader, kindergartner, preschooler, and teeny tiny tot. We are going on our fourth year of homeschooling! I am thankful that we have the option to have our kids around all day, and can be the primary influence in their lives!

I started blogging in August 2009 when we started school for the year. It started off as a way for my husband to ‘see what we do all day’, and it has really helped him interact with the kids when he comes home. The blog slowly morphed into sharing ideas with other homeschoolers! The Lord has really confirmed our decision to homeschool this year and truly brought us joy through our obedience!

This year, I’ve found most of my inspiration from fellow homeschoolers and blogs like Totally Tots! Joining in the blogging community has been a HUGE help, and frankly I’m not sure how I ever did school before! There are so many talented and creative moms out there, and I love that everyone is willing to share their ideas and inspiration so freely!

It’s truly been a blessing to us this year, and I'm excited to be able to 'give back' through the Totally Tots feature: The Crafty Corner! You can also find me at our homeschool blog Confessions Of A Homeschooler!