This craft is So-o SIMPLE and fun! Children of all ages can do this and thoroughly enjoy being creative!
To start:
Take a paper plate (I prefer the thicker ones). Cut a triangle out of the plate. Note: If you are working with a toddler, you can ask them the shape of the plate. (Circle) Then cut the triangle and ask them the shape of that!
Then staple the cut-out triangle to the back of the plate to form the fish shape!
Then, you just let your child(ren) decorate the fish with whatever materials you have on hand! We used small squares (another shape to review) of tissue and vellum paper in assorted sizes.
Use Mod Podge (or watered-down glue) and paint the mixture onto the plate. The child can then place tissue squares.
Then they added some small sequins I found. I painted a top layer of glue/sealant to keep the sequins in place.
Once that was dry, I let them add some paint circles with little finger dabbers I had.
Like I said, just use whatever materials you find. Punch a hole at the top with a hole punch and add a string or ribbon for hanging. Add a Large wiggly eye or a round black circle shape for a fish eye!
I made these with my older daughters when they were younger and have a photo of them with their fish. I love how they turn out each time and yet they are so simple! We also read the book Swimmy by, Leo Lionni.
Another wonderful fish-themed book is Dr. Suess' One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish! There's also the tot version of this classic book: One Fish, Two Fish, Three, Four, Five Fish (Dr. Seuss Nursery Collection)
This Crafty Corner post was written by School in R'Home...thanks for sharing your great idea!!!
Very cute craft idea! I am constantly looking for different activities to do with my almost 3 year old. We will definitely be doing this one! Easy and fun! Thanks!
These fish are just fabulous. These will definetly by on by short list. Thanks.
This will work perfect with our letter F we will be looking at this week! Thanks!
love the fish those are super cute!!!
really luv the cute fishy looking for some other craft ideas.......
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