

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

About Totally Tots...

Totally Tots was designed for Christian moms who are choosing to keep their tots at home in possible preparation for a homeschooling future. I don't doubt it will be a resource for all moms of tots, but it grew out of a desire to give moms who keep their tots at home as a place to come together and grow together.

What is a tot?
Here we define a tot as any child between the ages of 12 and 47 months (1-3). Some people call them toddlers, we call them tots!

Totally Tots was designed by Carisa (Christian, missionary, homeschooling mom of two boys,and a baby girl), you can read about the beginning of the blog here. After almost a year online, the blog grew to over 1000 subscribers and became to much for Carisa to keep up with, so she partnered up with Jolanthe and they now maintain the blog together. They are also assisted by an amazing group of mom bloggers. When reading a post, be sure to look for the *written by* button at the end of the post which will tell you who wrote that particular post. This button will also link back to the writer's home blog.

To read Our Mission, click here.
To see our very first Introducing Totally Tots post, click here.
To read more about our main features, click here.
If you'd like to meet our *Behind the Scenes* team, click here.

Totally Tots was designed with the idea of bringing many moms of tots together, we hope you'll be one of them!