Here on Totally Tots, I will be contributing to the Simply Made and Once Upon a Book features. I am thrilled to be part of Totally Tots and I look forward to seeing how the Lord will use this awesome site to bless other moms as it has so blessed me!

I’m the mother to four great kids, three girls and a boy. I am an eclectic homeschooler and I love teaching and learning beside my children. I love writing and feel that it is a gift that God has given me and a calling that I want to use to honor Him. I will be writing for Get Real with God~Inspirations for Moms here at Totally Tots. I hope you take time to read and gather biblical insight that we can apply to our lives as mothers. My blogs are at: From Tiny To Teen ~ homeschool product reviews, my homeschool adventures, this is my main blog. Babies & Ballpoint Pens ~ school, home, and reviews, and Novelized ~ this is where I explore my writing. Lots of samples of my writing and novel excerpts are here. If you love to read, please check this out. I'd love for you to stop by and get to know me.
I’m the joyful mother of six children, ages 14 to 2. Homeschooling is a way of life for us and I’m so thankful to be doing it. I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart for nearly 17 years and started loving Jesus when I was just a tot (5). My heart’s desire is for mom’s to see that the Bible is relevant in all things: How you raise and teach your children, your marriage, your homes, your finances, your joys and sorrows. God’s covered it all!! My passion is to encourage moms to KNOW that God is for them! I will write honestly in sharing how God has dealt with me in this regard in Get Real with God. I share about the rest of my life and my beautiful family on my blog: My Life on a Taffy Pull. Please join me as we seek God and find His will for us during this precious time of raising Tots.